Logo of "AMBIV Collective" in white

We empower disability and neurodivergent communities to live a meaningful and fulfilling life with research-powered support and community-led solutions.


Uniting and uplifting communities through research-driven impact.

Redefine inclusion: building bridges, break barriers.

We empower disability and neurodivergent communities by uplifting individuals and connecting the community through events, fostering a vibrant network.We strive to build community-led solutions fueled by ongoing research, ensuring our initiatives are rooted in the diverse needs and aspirations of the individuals we serve.We aim to cultivate an inclusive, collaborative, and informed ecosystem that embraces diversity, innovation, and shared knowledge, fostering a dynamic space for growth and mutual support.


Empowering Through Stories

We amplify the experiences of individuals within disability and neurodivergent communities, fostering awareness and understanding through authentic narratives.


Community-Driven Engagement

Our ever-growing vibrant network is built through inclusive and impactful events that bring the community together, creating spaces for connection, celebration, and empowerment.


Informed Solutions Through Research

Rooted in ongoing research, our initiatives are shaped by a deep understanding of diverse needs and aspirations. We provide valuable insights to nonprofits and service providers, contributing to tailored programs and services for the communities we serve.

More Than an Initiative: A Community-Led Movement

From awareness to action, let's reshape the narrative of disability and neurodivergent communities together.

Co-create with purpose

Collaborative Opportunities

Share narratives, spotlight impactful individuals and organizations, co-host events, or develop research avenues — let's collaborate to create meaningful connections and drive positive change.

support we provide

Our Offerings

Through engaging storytelling workshops, inclusive community understanding, and specialized consultation, we empower individuals and organizations to connect with diverse communities.

build with us

Join Our Team

Our unique volunteer opportunities include forging partnerships to unify resources, launching impactful initiatives, and conducting insightful research into the diverse needs of these communities.


"Autism Society" logo
"HUBLY" logo


"NAMI Southern Nevada" logo
"Los Angeles Public Library" logo: black open book in a white circle with "Los Angeles Public Library" to the right
"AADI" logo: a blob-like white shape with "AADI" centered over it

Let's collaborate and invigorate your ideas.

As creative advocates, we nourish all stages of ideation and partner with those who want to empower disability and neurodivergent communities.

We believe in a world where people with disabilities and different neurotypes can be empowered to live a meaningful and fulfilling life.

AMBIV [n] — social impact agency:
taken from the root word "ambi-", which means both.
words beginning with "ambiv" includes ambivalent and ambiversion, which reflects who we are.
Navigating and embracing one's intersectional identities may be confusing and lonely at times, but it doesn't always have to be this way. You are not alone in your journey! As disabled and neurodivergent founders, we understand how complex intersectional identities are and how they can influence one's mental health and quality of life. There is community, there is support, and there are resources out there. We can help connect you to them!

Past Events

ADHD within the AAPI Community

TOASTI Tea Studio, NAMI Southern Nevada

DEC 2023 — Our panelists (Mariel Malimban, Licensed Clinical Social Worker; Perris Aquino, ADHD & Neurodivergent Advocate; Trinh Dang, Executive Director of NAMI Southern Nevada) shared insights, strategies, and personal stories to foster a greater understanding of ADHD and promoted an open dialogue on neurodivergence.

The Power of Storytelling, Battling Stigma

Los Angeles Public Library

JAN 2024 — Discovering the profound impact of personal narratives in challenging societal stigmas, guests learned how shared narratives can break down barriers and create spaces of understanding and acceptance.

Collaborative Opportunities


Spotlighting Stories

— Share your personal story (e.g. triumph, a challenge overcome, or a moment of pure joy)
— Highlight an individual/ organization

Express Through Creativity

— Prose
— Poetry
— Visual art
— Audio creations

Panels & Workshops

— Explore diverse perspectives
— Challenge assumptions
— Inspire actionable change

Marketing & Event Support

— Cross-promotional activities
— Inclusivity and accessibility consultation


Co-Host Events

Whether it's a workshop, panel discussion, or community gathering, we're open to collaborating on events that empower and uplift our communities.

Craft Surveys

Let's work together to design surveys that capture the nuanced experiences and needs of our diverse community members.

Invite Us to Your Events

If you're hosting an event related to mental health, disability and/or neurodiversity, we would love to contribute by running surveys or facilitating discussions.

Our Offerings

Workshops & speaking engagements

Empowering Nuanced Stories

Elevate your narrative with our engaging workshops on storytelling. Uncover the power of authentic stories and learn to communicate inclusively, fostering connections that resonate.

Power of Storytelling, Battling Stigma

The workshop is designed to empower individuals to share their unique stories, fostering connection and understanding within our community. Discover the profound impact of personal narratives in challenging societal stigmas.

Disability and Neurodivergent Inclusion

Equip your organization with the knowledge and tools to embrace diversity. Our workshops focus on creating inclusive spaces, breaking down barriers, and fostering understanding within your community.

Transformative Practices for Inclusive Teams and Marketing

From enhancing creativity and innovation to expanding your audience reach and relevance, explore the multifaceted benefits of embracing diversity and inclusivity, both within your team and in your marketing strategies.



We specialize in providing comprehensive insights on accessibility, covering web, visual, technical, and physical aspects. Our expertise ensures that your organization is equipped with the knowledge and guidance needed to create inclusive spaces, both online and offline.

Creative Direction & Marketing

Whether it's refining your brand message, creating stunning web designs, or enhancing your overall visual presence, our team is dedicated to bringing your vision to life with accessibility at its core.

strategic support

Operational and Marketing Support for Neurodivergent and Disabled Individuals

Our tailored solutions cultivate inclusivity, providing pathways for accessibility and fostering opportunities for meaningful engagement. Let us partner with you to ensure that your organization thrives in creating an environment where everyone can actively participate and succeed.

Join Our Team

At AMBIV Collective, we cherish the invaluable contributions of our volunteers, recognizing that their time and dedication are the driving force behind our positive impact. Our commitment to creating meaningful change is deeply intertwined with the passion and energy our volunteers bring to every endeavor. We foster a culture of appreciation, acknowledging and celebrating the diverse skills and perspectives each volunteer brings to the table.Join us in building a community where every effort, big or small, is a stepping stone toward a more inclusive and empowered future.If you are interested in joining our team, please contact us using the form on the right.





Logo of "AMBIV Collective" in white

The Beauty of Disability & Neurodivergence


Illuminate the vibrant tapestry of disabled and neurodivergent Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) people. Join us in this transformative journey as we champion diversity, challenge stereotypes, and ignite a movement of acceptance and empowerment. Your participation isn't just an invitation; it's a call to action to shape a brighter, more inclusive future for all.

About the Campaign
Throughout the month of May, we will showcase the stories, perspectives, and achievements of disabled and neurodivergent AANHPI individuals. Through written narratives, artwork, videos, and more, we will highlight the intersectionality of disability, neurodivergence, and cultural identity, celebrating the richness and diversity within our community.

The Remarkable Power of Claiming Your Narrative and Sharing
Sharing narratives and artwork holds remarkable power in battling stigma, increasing representation, and ultimately uniting our diverse communities. By amplifying the narratives of disabled and neurodivergent AANHPI individuals, we challenge stereotypes and misconceptions, paving the way for greater acceptance and inclusivity.
Sharing lived experiences of disabled and neurodivergent AANHPI individuals is profoundly impactful as it offers a sense of connection and validation to those who may feel isolated or alone in their experiences. By sharing your story, you not only break down barriers of stigma and misconception but also provide a lifeline of understanding and empathy to others who may be navigating similar challenges. Your narrative has the power to inspire hope, foster solidarity, and remind others that they are not alone in their journey. Together, we can create a community of support and empowerment where every voice is heard and valued.

Opportunities to Participate
Share Your Story
If you identify as disabled and neurodivergent AANHPI, we encourage you to share your personal journey and experiences. Your story has the power to inspire, educate, and empower others.
Written Format No word count.Video Format Transcription and caption required. (Please let us know if any assistance is needed.)Audio Format Transcription required. (Please let us know if any assistance is needed.)Submit Artwork
Whether it's visual art, poetry, music, or any other form of creative expression, we welcome your contributions to help convey the beauty and complexity of the disabled and neurodivergent AANHPI experience.
Join Our Collage
Become part of our collaborative project, where we'll create a digital collage featuring disabled and neurodivergent AANHPI individuals. Your photo will be included alongside others, symbolizing unity and solidarity within our community.

Your contribution will live on in the digital space. Every year, we will continue to add on to show how strong and diverse our community is.Together, let's celebrate diversity, challenge stereotypes, and create a more inclusive future for all.

The Beauty of Disability & Neurodivergence


Thank you for visiting our media kit. We're thrilled to have you here and grateful for your interest in supporting our cause. Your support is invaluable to us, and together, we can make a real difference in creating a world where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued.

Against a white background with clouded snow-capped mountains on the bottom right, "AMBIV Collective" sits at the top center against a dark teal background. The text reads: CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS. AANHPI Celebrating the Beauty of Disability & Neurodivergence

Against a white background with clouded snow-capped mountains on the bottom right, "AMBIV Collective" sits at the top center against a dark teal background. The text reads: CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS. AANHPI Celebrating the Beauty of Disability & Neurodivergence. "written/ video/ audio + creative artwork" — submit by May 11, 2024 at 12 am PT. Visit

Opportunities to Participate
Share Your Story
If you identify as disabled and neurodivergent AANHPI, we encourage you to share your personal journey and experiences. Your story has the power to inspire, educate, and empower others.
Submit Artwork
Whether it's visual art, poetry, music, or any other form of creative expression, we welcome your contributions to help convey the beauty and complexity of the disabled and neurodivergent AANHPI experience.
Join Our Collage
Become part of our collaborative project, where we'll create a digital collage featuring disabled and neurodivergent AANHPI individuals. Your photo will be included alongside others, symbolizing unity and solidarity within our community.

Neurodivergent Career Skills

Los Angeles Public Library — Virtual Session

This empowering workshop covers key areas such as interviewing skills, career assessment, resources for job searching, and exploring alternative careers. Whether you're entering the workforce or looking to advance in your current role, this event offers valuable tools and insights tailored to neurodivergent individuals.

A dark teal background with white text read "Neurodivergent Career Skills" with "AMBIV Collective" logo in yellow; "Los Angeles Public Library" and "APRIL 2024" in white.

Presentation —
"Neurodivergent Career Skills"

Power of Storytelling

Los Angeles Public Library — Los Angeles, CA

Where the art of storytelling becomes a catalyst for change — The workshop is designed to empower individuals to share their unique stories, fostering connection and understanding within our community. Discover the profound impact of personal narratives in challenging societal stigmas. Understand the role of storytelling in building inclusive communities. Gain insights into how shared narratives can break down barriers and create spaces of understanding and acceptance.


Thank you for attending our first event with the Los Angeles Public Library! We would love to know your thoughts about the workshop, how we can improve, as well as what you would like to have in the future.

Logos of "AMBIV Collective", "TOASTI Tea Studio", and "National Alliance of Mental Illness, Southern Nevada"

AANHPI Autism Self-Advocacy Panel

Our panelists — Ben VanHook, Celina Tupou-Fulivai, Hari Srinivasan, Dennis Tran — shared their powerful journeys navigating the intersections of their cultural heritage and autism, using their voices to drive change and foster understanding. Their inspiring stories showcased resilience in overcoming challenges, embracing identities, and advocating for representation and inclusion within their communities.

AANHPI Autism Self Advocacy Panel

May 29, 2024

Join us for an empowering online panel featuring autistic Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) self-advocates as they share their inspiring journeys and self-advocacy experiences. Discover how these incredible individuals have navigated the intersections of their cultural heritage and autism, and how they use their voices to drive change and foster understanding. This conversation offers an intimate glimpse into their challenges, triumphs, and the strength of their resilience.


Ben VanHook is an autistic master's student pursuing a degree in public policy at George Mason University with an emphasis in education policy. He has extensive disability advocacy experience, having spoken at the United Nations, the Global ADHD Summit, and at several colleges around the United States from Stanford University to John Hopkins University, and having worked on several research projects involving the autistic community at UCLA - Riverside, the University of Massachusetts - Boston, and George Mason University. His areas of expertise lie in autism, disability, neurodiversity, education, and employment.Celina Tupou-Fulivai is a neurodivergent Tongan American activist, designer, and social entrepreneur, balancing her professional ventures with her role as a mother to a little lady with autism. Celina's personal experiences fuel her advocacy for normalizing neurodiversity within the AANHPI community. She is particularly passionate about promoting awareness about early intervention and accurate diagnosis for children with autism, inspired by her journey with her daughter, Zola, who was diagnosed at age 3. Her work is deeply informed by her direct lineage to Polynesian Navigators and her commitment to creating supportive environments for all families.Hari Srinivasan is a PhD Neuroscience student at Vanderbilt with a research focus on autism sensory issues. He is a NSF Graduate Research Fellow, a PD Soros Fellow and a NISE Fellow (Neurodiversity Inspired Science & Engineering) at the First Center for Autism & Innovation. Srinivasan graduated UC Berkeley, where he was a University Medal Finalist and Phi Beta Kappa, amongst other honors. Srinivasan has autism, ADHD, limited spoken communication, sensory processing issues, and other challenges that do present significant challenges in his everyday life. He is significantly vested in seeing real solutions and progress, is an IACC committee member and on the boards/advisory boards of numerous organizations (ASAN, ASA, DREDF, Brain Foundation, Autism Europe). His journalism includes high impact articles in Time, Newsweek and Fortune. His advocacy has been featured on President Obama’s Instagram on the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. His talks include speaking at the UN, TedX and multiple keynotes.Dennis Tran is the Co-Founder of AMBIV Collective, a social impact agency that empowers disability and neurodivergent communities to live a meaningful and fulfilling life with research-powered support. He concurrently serves as the Director of Partnerships of the Asian Americans with Disabilities Initiative (AADI), an organization that uplifts the voices of disabled Asian Americans. In addition to his role with AMBIV and AADI, Dennis is also a DEIA Speaker and Consultant, a Marketing Specialist for the Autism Society of America, a Certified Peer Supporter on, and a Co-Host of Dear Disabled Asians, formerly Asian Lifing Podcast. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Public Health Policy from the University of California, Irvine. As a queer partially blind late identified ADHD-autistic neurodiverse Vietnamese American living with glaucoma and C-PTSD, Dennis is using the profound knowledge, wisdom, and mindset shifts he has gained through his late diagnoses, life coaching, and introspections towards neurodiversity inclusion. He advocates for others in the disability space and those in marginalized communities across various sectors, to ensure authentic representation, inclusiveness, and accessibility for all.


Dr. Jenny Mai Phan
is a distinguished researcher and data scientist specializing in behavioral endocrinology, psychology, and human development, with a specific focus on autism. A late-diagnosed autistic adult herself, Dr. Phan brings a unique and personal perspective to her work. Her research is driven by a deep understanding of the intersections between stress, puberty, mental health, and autism, especially within the context of diverse populations. Dr. Phan is widely recognized for her advocacy in autism, particularly in highlighting the challenges and experiences of marginalized groups, including Asian Americans and women with autism. She is passionate about promoting comprehensive sexual health education and self-advocacy tools for autistic youth, aiming to bridge the gap in accessible and inclusive resources.
Kim Chua is a dedicated advocate for disability and neurodivergence, with a strong focus on empowering marginalized voices within the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) community. As a social impact designer, Co-Founder of the AMBIV Collective, and Creative Director at the Asian Americans with Disabilities Initiative (AADI), Kim works to reshape perceptions and enhance access to culturally informed resources for individuals with disabilities and neurodivergence. Kim's journey through her own experiences as a late-identified ADHD individual with depression has fueled her passion for advocating for others. Her academic background in Public Health Policy from the University of California, Irvine, equips her with the knowledge and tools to address systemic disparities and create meaningful change.

Logos of "AMBIV Collective", "TOASTI Tea Studio", and "National Alliance of Mental Illness, Southern Nevada"

resources from our panelists


TOASTI Tea Studio — Las Vegas, NV

Our panelists — Mariel Malimban, Perris Aquino, and Trinh Dang — shared insights, strategies, and personal stories to foster a greater understanding of ADHD and promoting an open dialogue on neurodivergence. Whether you're seeking information, support, or simply interested in learning more, below are resources we curated with our panelists.

Mariel Malimban

Licensed Clinical Social Worker,
The Collective Clarity

Neuropsychological Testing Resources:UNLV PACT sliding scale- Psychological Assessment and Testing Clinic (PATC) & other resources for Neuropsychological testing for the community
Psychological Assessment and Testing Clinic
UNLV Disability Resource Center

Local AANHPI Therapists (Neurodivergent-Friendly):Christine Ramos, LMFT; ADHD/ADD and Autism Spectrum Clinical Specialist (ASDCS)
Insurances Accepted: Health Plan of NV (HPN), UMR, Sierra Health & Life (SHL) Molina, NV Medicaid
Call or text 702-526-2364
Mariel Ann Malimban, LCSW; AEDP Level 2 Therapist
Insurances Accepted: Aetna, Optum/United Health Care (UHC), Optum/UHC Employee Assistance Programs (EAP), Humana
Go to to complete an ‘Got Questions’ form to schedule a free 20-min consultation
ADHD Support Groups coming 2024

Local AANHPI Therapists offering sliding scale or pro-bono therapy for those affected by UNLV shootings:Christine Ramos, LMFT; ADHD/ADD and Autism Spectrum Clinical Specialist (ASDCS)
Insurances Accepted: Health Plan of NV (HPN), UMR, Sierra Health & Life (SHL) Molina, NV Medicaid
Call or text 702-526-2364
Mariel Ann Malimban, LCSW; AEDP Level 2 Therapist
Insurances Accepted: Aetna, Optum/United Health Care (UHC), Optum/UHC Employee Assistance Programs (EAP), Humana
Go to to complete an ‘Got Questions’ form to schedule a free 20-min consultation
Saritha Farris, LCSW
Illuminated Path
Call 702-886-0961
Hazel Guenther, LMFT
Live Happy Counseling

Perris Aquino

ADHD and Neurodivergent Advocate,
Hybrid Human

Black book titled "THE SECOND BRAIN FOR THE NEURODIVERGENT" with an image of a graphic of a technical view of a brain. Author Perris Aquino.

Limited Time: FREE Training For Working Professionals With ADHD Traits
Revealing My Entire Second Brain System To Turn ADHD into a Super Power

✅ How to use the CODE Framework to Harness the Power of ADHD In Your Life
✅ Steal My 12 Power Apps to Turn Your ADHD into a Productivity Powerhouse
✅ How To Make a personalized second brain system for your needs
✅ The TRUTH behind the ADHD Diagnosis that Big Pharma Doesn't Want You to Know
✅ My Entire Second Brain Template for Maximum Productivity w/ ADHD
✅ 7 Ways I Use The Second Brain In My Personal and Professional life
✅ 10 Jobs That NEED Your ADHD powers

Trinh Dang

Executive Director,
NAMI Southern Nevada

A blue-to-green gradient of the QR code to NAMI Southern Nevada

NAMI Southern Nevada
NAMI Southern Nevada is an organization of families, friends and individuals whose lives have been affected by mental illness. Together, we advocate for better lives for those individuals who have a mental illness.

Nevada Teen Peer Support Text Line
The Nevada Teen Peer Support Text Line is a stigma-free, non-crisis peer support text service for adolescents and young adults ages 24 years and younger. Youth can text in at 775-296-8336 from 10am to midnight 7 days a week and 365 days per year to be connected for a one-on-one text conversation with a young adult Peer Wellness Operator. The Nevada Teen Peer Support Text Line is confidential and staffed by trained young adult peers in recovery who provide support from lived experience to youth impacted by mental illness or life stressors.


Thank you for attending our first event in Las Vegas! We would love to know your thoughts about the event, how we can improve, as well as what you would like to have in the future.